Sunday, April 5, 2009

H: Well Here I Go Again

I have tried so many times to have a diary; ya it doesn't work. I can't tell you how many diaries I have started, wrote 2 detailed pages in, and then forgot about. It's ridiculous. So maybe making it kinda like Facebook will help. Trick myself into it, ya know. Well we'll see how it works.
It's snowing today... and it's APRIL! I'm very mad about this. But oh well. Went to talk to people about financial aid for college. That was lame. I know I need it but, I just don't wanna really think about it right now I guess. Yes, I'm a baby and I don't wanna grow up.
I had bagels from Panera for lunch. They were fantastic.
Van Helsing is on again today. Gotta love FX. I'm hoping they'll play Electra but they probably won't. Bummer.
This week is spring break which is nice. Last night I spent probably an hour answering weird questions on Facebook Interview. I know no one will read it or care so I didn't answer them seriously which I have to admit is fun. Who doesn't love talking about themselves! Not that I'm stuck up. But come on.
Anyway I think that's all for now. By the way, What is Spider-Man 2.1?

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