Sunday, April 5, 2009

H: I Will Never Let My Dog Pee On My Kid

First, we (my mom and I) went to the walmart this evening; this is what I found:

Bipidi Bopiti Bacon! It's a special bacon cooker!!! I guess it's supposed to seperate the fat or grease or whatever from the bacon. I thought it was pretty nifty.
~P.S. This is an ode to Jim Gaffigan

Second, we came home and my mom was trying to get rid of crap she didn't want. There was this weird bowl holder wire thing that she didn't want anymore and we were playing around with it. This is what we came up with:

It's Super Joan Crawford!!! And I think that makes me "Christina Darling". But ya know, whatever. I'm cool with that. As long as I dont have to wear the floral matching dresses. Cause that's just crossing the line.

Third, when we were at the walmart, we bought on of those wooden spoons. I decorated it:
To understand this and not think it's totally creepy, you have to know the story behind it. Marni is my god-mother. She's my mom's best friend. They went to high school together. She has a daughter a year older than me and we're best friends. she also has a son who is 19. Well when they were little she used to chase them around with a wooden spoon to scare em. (She did this to me too sometimes. It was quite funny.) Well now her kids are grown up so we bought her a wooden spoon and I painted it Pepto Bismol pink and red, decorated it with glitter, and wrote on it. It was enjoyable to say the least. I think that's all for now.
Question: How are you pregnant (for a full nine months) and not know it?

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